What is OFNL?
OFNL (Open Fibre Networks Limited) is a UK operator of fibre optic networks - similar to Openreach, but smaller. Like with Openreach, you buy your internet connection through resellers, which you have likely never heard of. This site helps you navigate these resellers.
OFNL operates primarily in newly built residential and commercial developments and operates with exclusivity - in other words, you can’t get alternatives to OFNL, with the exception of Virgin Media, which is available in some OFNL developments.
OFNL vs. other internet options
Most households in the UK have broadband through an Openreach reseller, like BT, Sky, or TalkTalk. Some households have access to fibre options from Openreach or others like Virgin Media or Hyperoptics. Newly built developments often sign exclusive contracts with a network - often Openreach alternatives like Community Fibre or OFNL.
OFNL, like many alternative networks, operates a FTTH (“fibre to the home”) or FTTP (“fibre to the property”) network: fibre optic cables go directly into your house or flat. In theory, this can offer the fastest internet connections, but OFNL is somewhat limited and doesn’t offer gigabit connections.
Is OFNL any good?
OFNL offers packages with faster top speeds than non-fibre providers, but slower than some pure fibre providers. Many of their locations support 900 Mbps download and upload, but some developments still top out at 360 Mbps for residental connections. This is still better than what copper cables offer.
Personal experience suggests that network reliability is similar to Openreach: I have personally seen very few drops in connection, and they’ve been gone after a minute or two.
Do I have to use OFNL?
In short: Yes.
OFNL generally have exclusivity clauses in their contracts with developers, which can even be found in individual homeowners’ leases. Even after that period of exclusivity expires, other fibre providers are unlikely to invest in connecting to your development, and might not even get permission from the development’s freeholder to do so.
Some OFNL developments also provide internet via Virgin Media. There is no data on where that is - you’ll have to check the Virgin Media website for details.
Can I move my broadband contract to OFNL?
In short: No.
OFNL resellers are different from those for Openreach, so there’s no way to move your contract when you move. If moving to an OFNL-served property would result in an early contract cancellation fee, call your current internet provider and tell them about the situation - they might be willing to let you part ways for free.
A note on Sky: You might have come across “seethelight”, a company owned by Sky. Unfortunately, this does not mean you can simply move your contract over - they’re completely separate organisations.